Do Deer Eat Pansies
Do deer eat pansies? We get asked all sorts of questions about deer and rabbit and groundhog eating habits, but this one we get asked quite frequently. Do deer eat pansies? Pansies have become a popular plant to grow because of how easy they are to grow and maintain....Do Deer Eat Hostas
Do Deer Eat Hostas? In this article lets answer a simple question that we get asked a lot, do deer eat hostas? Let’s put it this way, if you put out a big candy buffet to a group of kids would they devour it. Of course they would! Well, that’s what hostas...
Winterize Your Evergreens with Deer Defeat
How to Make Deer Resistant Evergreens Here we are with another winter… Most of the landscapers using Deer Defeat and our loyal customers are very familiar on how to use Deer Defeat all natural eco-friendly repellent to protect their evergreens throughout the cold...
Plant & Protect Bulbs with Deer Defeat Repellent
We have been blessed with this wonderful weather, warm temperature and only one serious frost so far. I am sure cold is on the way, but in my Mom’s words ”what passes with nice doesn’t with bad”. Yes Mom…. A very simple phrase from the wise. So, if you have not done...